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作者: 来源:中国机电工程网    发布于:2021-10-13 14:04:53    文字:【】【】【

91 GB/T 9444-1988 铸钢件磁粉探伤及质量评级方法 The methods for magnetic particle testing and for specifying quality levels of steel castings

92 GB/T 9445-1988 无损检测人员技术资格鉴定通则 Rules for qualification and certification of NDT personnel

93 GB/T 10084-1988 振动、冲击数据分析和表示方法 Vibration and shock--methods for analysis and presentation of data

94 GB/T 10201-1988 热处理合理用电导则 Guides for the rationality of electricity usage in heat treatment

95 GB/T 10609.1-1989 技术制图 标题栏 Technical drawings—Title blocks

96 GB/T 10609.2-1989 技术制图 明细栏 Technical drawings—Item lists

97 GB/T 10609.3-1989 技术制图 复制图的折叠方法 Technical drawings—Folding on documents

98 GB/T 10609.4-1989 技术制图 对缩微复制原件的要求 Technical drawings—Requirements for microcopying

99 GB/T 10820-1989 燃煤生活锅炉热效率 Boilers using coal for daily life-thermal efficiency

100 GB/T 10853-1989 机器理论与机构学术语 Terminology for the theory of machines and mechanisms

101 GB/T 11056-1989 锻造生产能源消耗标准 Energy consumption standard in forging production

102 GB/T 11057-1989 离心式、混流式、轴流式水泵运行管理 Operational management of centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps

103 GB/T 11334-1989 圆锥公差 Cone tolerance

104 GB/T 11335-1989 未注公差角度的极限偏差 Limit deviations of angle without tolerance indication

105 GB/T 11336-1989 直线度误差检测 Measurement of departures from straightness

106 GB/T 11337-1989 平面度误差检测 Measurement of departures from flatness

107 GB/T 11347-1989 大型旋转机械振动烈度现场测量与评定 Mechanical vibration of large rotating machines with speed range from 10 to 200 r/s—Measurement and evaluation of vibration severity in situ

108 GB/T 11349.1-1989 机械导纳的试验确定 基本定义与传感器 Experimental determination of mechanical mobility—Basic definitions and transducers

109 GB/T 11349.2-1989 机械导纳的试验确定 用激振器作单点激励测量 Experimental determination of mechanical mobility—Measurments using single-point translation excitation with and attached vibration exciter

110 GB/T 11349.3-1992 机械导纳的试验确定 冲击激励法 Experimental determination of mechanical mobility--Measurements using impact excitation

111 GB/T 11852-1989 圆锥量规公差与技术条件 Tolerances and specification of taper gauges

112 GB/T 12212-1990 技术制图 焊缝符号的尺寸、比例及简化表示法 Technical drawings—Dimensions, proportions and simplified representation for welding symbols

113 GB/T 12213-1990 技术制图 玻璃器具表示法 Technical drawings for glassware

114 GB/T 12359-1990 梯形螺纹 极限尺寸 Limits of sizes for metric trapezoidal screw threads

115 GB/T 12360-1990 圆锥配合 Cone fit

116 GB/T 12471-1990 木制件 公差与配合 Limits and fits for products of wood and wooden materials

117 GB/T 12472-1990 木制件表面粗糙度 参数及其数值 Surface roughness—Parameters and their values for wooden pieces

118 GB/T 12604.7-1995 无损检测术语 泄漏检测 Terminology for nondestructive testing--Leak testing

119 GB/T 12604.8-1995 无损检测术语 中子检测 Terminology for nondestructive testing--Neutron testing

120 GB/T 12604.9-1996 无损检测术语 红外检测 Terminology for nondestructive testing--Infrared testing

121 GB/T 12716-1991 60°圆锥管螺纹 Taper pipe threads with 60 degree

122 GB/T 13125-1991 机械工业产品湿热带防护包装方法通则 General rule for damp heat protective packaging methods of machinery products

123 GB/T 13126-1991 机械工业产品湿热带防护包装通用技术条件 General specification for damp heat protective packaging of machinery products

124 GB/T 13319-1991 形状和位置公差 位置度公差 Geometrical tolerance—Positional tolerancing

125 GB/T 13321-1991 钢铁硬度 锉刀检验方法 The method of hardness testing on iron and steel with file

126 GB/T 13325-1991 机器和设备辐射的噪声 操作者位置噪声测量的基本准则 (工程级) Noise emitted by machinery and equipment--Guidelines for the preparation of test codes of engineering grade requiring noise measurements at the operator's or bystander's position

127 GB/T 13361-1992 技术制图 通用术语 Technical drawings—General terms

128 GB/T 13362.1-1992 机械制图用计算机信息交换常用长仿宋字体、代() 基本集 Common long fangsongti letterings and symbols in mechanical drawings and computer for information interchange—Basic set

129 GB/T 13362.2-1992 机械制图用计算机信息交换常用长仿宋字体、代() 16×16点阵字模集 Common long fangsongti letterings and symbols in mechanical drawings and computer for information interchange—16×16 Dot matrix font set

130 GB/T 13362.3-1992 机械制图用计算机信息交换常用长仿宋字体、代() 16×16点阵字模数据集 Common long fangsongti letterings and symbols in mechanical drawings and computer for information interchange—16×16 Dot matrix font data set

131 GB/T 13362.4-1992 机械制图用计算机信息交换常用长仿宋矢量字体、代() Vector common long fangsongti letterings and symbols in mechanical drawings and computer for information interchange

132 GB/T 13362.5-1992 机械制图用计算机信息交换常用长仿宋矢量字体、代() 数据集 Vector common long fangsongti letterings and symbols in mechanical drawings and computer for information interchange—Data set

133 GB/T 13362.6-1993 机械制图用计算机信息交换常用长仿宋字体、代() 24×24点阵字模集 Common long fangsongti letterings and symbols in mechanical drawings and computer for information interchange--24×24 Dot matrix font set

134 GB/T 13362.7-1993 机械制图用计算机信息交换常用长仿宋字体、代()24×24点阵字模数据集 Common long fangsongti letterings and symbols in mechanical drawings and computer for information interchange--24×24 Dot matrix font data set

135 GB/T 13576.1-1992 锯齿形(3°30°)螺纹 牙型 Butterss threads with 3 and 30 degrees flank angle—Profiles

136 GB/T 13576.2-1992 锯齿形(3°30°)螺纹 直径与螺距系列 Buttress threads with 3 and 30 degrees flank angle—General plan

137 GB/T 13576.3-1992 锯齿形(3°30°)螺纹 基本尺寸 Buttress threads with 3 and 30 degrees flank angle—Basic dimensions

138 GB/T 13576.4-1992 锯齿形(3°30°)螺纹 公差 Buttress threads with 3 and 30 degrees flank angle—Tolerances

139 GB/T 13823.10-1995 振动与冲击传感器的校准方法 冲击二次校准 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups--Secondary shock calibration

140 GB/T 13921-1992 关于固定结构特别是建筑物和海上结构的居住者对低频(0.0631Hz)水平运动响应的评价导则 Guidelines for the evaluation of the response of occupants of fixed structures, especially buildings and off-shor structures, to low-frequency horizontal motion (0.0631Hz)

141 GB/T 14091-1993 机械产品环境参数分类及其严酷程度分级 Classification of environmental parameters and their severities for machinery products

142 GB/T 14092.1-1993 机械产品环境条件 湿热 Environmental condition for machinery products Warm-damp

143 GB/T 14093.1-1993 机械产品环境技术要求 湿热环境用 Environmental technical requirements of machinery products for the warm-damp environments

144 GB/T 14124-1993 机械振动与冲击对建筑物振动影响的测量和评价基本方法及使用导则 Mechanical vibration and shock--Measurement and evaluation of vibration effects on buildings--Guidelines for the use of basic standard methods

145 GB/T 14125-1993 振动与冲击对室内振敏设备影响的测量与数据呈报方法 Vibration and shock sensitive equipment--Methods of measurement and reporting data of vibration and shock effects in buildings

146 GB/T 14412-1993 机械振动与冲击 加速度计的机械安装 Mechanical vibration and shock--Mechanical mounting of accelerometers

147 GB/T 14495-1993 木制件表面粗糙度 比较样块 Roughness comparison specimens for wooden pieces

148 GB/T 14689-1993 技术制图 图纸幅面和格式 Technical drawings--Size and layout of drawing sheets

149 GB/T 14690-1993 技术制图 比例 Technical drawings--Scales

150 GB/T 14691-1993 技术制图 字体 Technical drawings—Lettering

151 GB/T 14692-1993 技术制图 投影法 Technical drawings--Projection methods

152 GB/T 14791-1993 螺纹术语 The terms of screw threads

153 GB/T 15049.3-1996 CAD 标准件图形文件 几何图形和特性规范 铆钉 CAD standard parts file--Specification of geometry and parameters--Revets

154 GB/T 15049.4-1996 CAD 标准件图形文件 几何图形和特性规范  CAD standard parts file--Specification of geometry and parameters--Pins

155 GB/T 15049.5-1996 CAD 标准件图形文件 几何图形和特性规范 螺母 CAD Standard parts file--Specification of geometry and parameters--Nuts

156 GB/T 15049.6-1996 CAD 标准件图形文件 几何图形和特性规范 螺栓 CAD Standard parts file--Specification of geometry and paramelers--Bolts

157 GB/T 15049.7-1996 CAD 标准件图形文件 几何图形和特性规范 螺钉 CAD standard parts file--Specification of geometry and parameters--Screws

158 GB/T 15049.8-1996 CAD 标准件图形文件 几何图形和特性规范 挡圈 CAD Standard parts file--Specification of geometry and parameters --Rings

159 GB/T 15049.9-1996 CAD 标准件图形文件 几何图形和特性规范 垫圈 CAD standard parts file--Specification of geometry and parameters--Washers

160 GB/T 15054.1-1994 小螺纹 牙型 Miniature screw threads-Profiles

161 GB/T 15054.2-1994 小螺纹 直径与螺距系列 Miniature scrcw threads--Generat plan

162 GB/T 15054.3-1994 小螺纹 基本尺寸 Miniature screw threads--Basic dimensions

163 GB/T 15054.4-1994 小螺纹 公差 Miniature screw threads--Tolerances

164 GB/T 15054.5-1994 小螺纹 极限尺寸 Miniature screw threads--Limits of sizes

165 GB/T 15706.1-1995 机械安全 基本概念与设计通则 1部分:基本术语、方法学 Safety of machinery--Basic concept, general principles for design--Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology

166 GB/T 15706.2-1995 机械安全 基本概念与设计通则 2部分:技术原则与规范 Safety of machinery--Basic concepts, general principles for design--Part 2: Technical principles and specifications

167 GB/T 15751-1995 技术产品文件 计算机辅助设计与制图 词汇 Technical product documentation--Requirements for computer aided design and drafting--Vocabulary

168 GB/T 15754-1995 技术制图 圆锥的尺寸和公差注法 Technical drawings--Dimensioning and tolerancing of cones

169 GB/T 15755-1995 圆锥过盈配合的计算和选用 The calculation and selection of cone interference fits

170 GB/T 15756-1995 普通螺纹 极限尺寸 Limits of size for general purpose screw threads

171 GB/T 15757-1995 表面缺陷 术语 Surface defect terms

172 GB/T 15822-1995 磁粉探伤方法 Methods for magnetic particle testing

173 GB/T 15823-1995 氦泄漏检验 Examination for helium leak detecting

174 GB/T 15830-1995 钢制管道对接环焊缝超声波探伤方法和检验结果的分级 Methods of ultrasonic inspection and result classification of circumferential butt welds in steel pipes and tubes

175 GB/T 16181-1996 爆破片装置夹持器型式和外形尺寸 Bursting disc devices--Type and outline dimensions holders

176 GB 16454-1996 锯床 安全防护技术要求 Sawing machines--Safeguarding specification

177 GB/T 16671-1996 形状和位置公差 最大实体要求、最小实体要求和可逆要求 Geometrical tolerancing--Maximum material requirement,least material requirement and reciprocity requirement

178 GB/T 16673-1996 无损检测用黑光源(UV-A)辐射的测量 Measurement of UV-A radiation (black light) used in non-destructive testing

179 GB/T 16675.1-1996 技术制图 简化表示法 1部分:图样画法 Technical drawings--Simplified representation--Part 1: Pictorial presentation

180 GB/T 16675.2-1996 技术制图 简化表示法 2部分:尺寸注法 Technical drawings--Simplified representation--Part 2: Dimensioning181 GB/T 16721-1996 工业自动化系统 制造报文规范 协议子集规范 Industrial automation systems--Specification of subsets of the protocol for the manufacturing--Message specification

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